Our kids are so cool in this accelerated society we have created. We have pushed them feet first into the tech and just let them go.  Tech is a tool to do the work of the future, but we still need to do work.  Stay focused on impressing the work ethnic we inherited from our elders onto this generation. We owe it to the up and coming generations.


Thanks Kitten for the photo op live at Incuya

Cool Kids

Jobs tough
Hard to find my niche 
Feel low down
Have to dig a ditch

To make ends meet 
Cant hold me down Fast on my feet

Rolln by now
Can't stop to think Do what I know For wife and family

Cool kids
Nature passing by 
3D animation 
Catching my eye 
Holding on
Waiting for salvation 
Thankful automation

Life is rough
Heres the situation Drive your generation Step above the crowd

Wrap up
Every working day No slacking now 

Hold tough
Work sets you free Got to pay your dues
For you and me

Jobs tough 
Hard to find my niche 
Feel low down 
Until You get paid 

Cool kids 
Nature passing by 
3D animation 
Catching my eye 
Holding on 
Waiting for salvation 
Thankful automation 

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