Dumbug blazed many trails and cul-de-sacs in their young career, but they had a great time doing it. Easily influenced by the album of the week, you never knew what might come out of this music factory. Who would thought after all these years, Are You Dum would acquire 100 listens? Yes, this two years…Read more Are You Dum Hits 100
Rare Local 7″ Found with $1 Price Tag
Give it a rest already. It is getting stale and it is not anyone's fault. Too bad, it's where we are, time to move on. It's nature. Wait, wait, I said getting stale, not dead. Music is expression. Expression matures. Our ability to express, changes with age. Some for the better, but unfortunately some for…Read more Rare Local 7″ Found with $1 Price Tag
Classic dumbug
Music was swirling in the late 20th century with genres fracturing every day. Artists were defining their independence. York was positioned nicely between four distinct culture centers for music in Baltimore, Washington DC, Philadelphia and New York. Our location provided access to many touring acts who provided inspiration to rock. The band Live broke big to…Read more Classic dumbug